
Parasite HTTP Remote Access Trojan

This article no longer conforms to NHS Digital's standards for cyber alerts, and may contain outdated or inaccurate information.

HTTP RAT Trojan - Samsar4Ethical-Hacking-Labs

HTTP/HTTPS Trojans can bypass any firewall, and work as kind of a straight HTTP tunnel, but one that works in reverse. They use web-based interfaces and port ...

AHXRghost - RAT (Remote Access Trojan)

ghost: RAT (Remote Access Trojan) - Silent Botnet - Full Remote Command-Line Access - Download & Execute Programs - Spread Virus' & Malware - AHXR/ghost.


遠端存取木馬(RAT) 是一種惡意軟體,旨在允許攻擊者遠端控制受感染的電腦。一旦RAT 在遭受入侵的系統上執行,攻擊者就可以將命令傳送給該系統,並接收回應資料。

Xeno RAT

INTRODUCTION. In an era where cyber threats evolve at an unprecedented pace, understanding and combatting sophisticated malware like Xeno RAT is ...


Once you think that the infec on has been removed, change the passwords for your online accounts and check your banking ac vity.


RAT 駭客已開發出多種特洛伊木馬程式變種,而安全團隊和防毒軟體開發人員正努力跟上腳步。 但什麼是RAT,其如何運作? 更重要的是,您如何偵測RAT 感染,或保護組織資源不會一 ...

[PDF] PyXie Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

Remote Access Trojan (RAT) – often inserted into free software. • Also capable of various forms of data collection and exfiltration ...

Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

Get everything you need to know about Remote Access Trojans (RAT) from what are they, the history of RAT, common infection methods, how to remove them ...

MINEBRIDGE Remote-access Trojan (RAT) 2021

Threat actors distributing the MINEBRIDGE RAT in-the-wild have returned in 2021 with new and updated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).


ThisarticlenolongerconformstoNHSDigital'sstandardsforcyberalerts,andmaycontainoutdatedorinaccurateinformation.,HTTP/HTTPSTrojanscanbypassanyfirewall,andworkaskindofastraightHTTPtunnel,butonethatworksinreverse.Theyuseweb-basedinterfacesandport ...,ghost:RAT(RemoteAccessTrojan)-SilentBotnet-FullRemoteCommand-LineAccess-Download&ExecutePrograms-SpreadVirus'&Malware-AHXR/ghost.,遠端存取木...